Hope Twinkles

advanced students playing violins

About Play-Downs

Play-Downs are a time-honored tradition in the Suzuki string world. In a Play-Down, we begin with advanced repertoire (Book 6, 7 or 8, depending on who is there). Then we work our way backwards through the Suzuki books down to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. As we move down the list, we add the students who know that work, to those who are already playing. More players join for the next piece, and so on, until, by the time we reach Twinkle, all the students can play together. We couldn’t possibly play every song from every book, so we’ve selected representative pieces from each book into a list that can, hopefully, fit in the hour designated. From the list below, we’ll take different selections during each of the three Play-Downs.  There are also 2 short hymn tunes that everyone can also play. See the Repertoire page for these pieces. Both the list and the music are available there for download.

2 children playing violin
student-teacher playing bass
young man playing cello